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1. The Power of a Family(一个家庭的力量)

In this short film, the power of a family is showcased to highlight the significance of unity and support within our society. We are introduced to a happy family who goes through different challenges and obstacles, but remains strong and resilient.

2. Rediscovering Our Values(重拾我们的价值观)

The film beautifully portrays how the family members rediscover their core values, such as love, compassion, and responsibility. These values are essential for building a harmonious society and promoting the well-being of every individual.

3. Facing Social Issues Together(共同面对社会问题)

The film touches upon various social issues, such as poverty, homelessness, and environmental concerns. It emphasizes the importance of collective action and how, as a family, we can work together to create a positive impact on our community.

4. Inspiring Future Generations(激励未来的一代)

The film also focuses on the role of parents in shaping the values and attitudes of their children. By setting a good example of social responsibility, kindness, and empathy, we can inspire and nurture the next generation to become active contributors to society.

5. Taking Action, Making a Difference(积极行动,改变世界)

The film encourages viewers to take action and make a difference in their own communities. It emphasizes that even small acts of kindness and compassion can have a ripple effect, leading to significant positive changes in society.

In conclusion, the "FAMILY" CCTV public service advertisement with English voiceover delivers a powerful message about the importance of unity, rediscovering our core values, facing social issues together, inspiring future generations, and making a difference. It serves as a reminder that everyone has the power to contribute to a better society, and that even a small act of kindness can create a lasting impact. Let's come together as a family and make a difference in our communities.


Title: Classic Public Service Advertisements in English and Their Translations


Public service advertisements have always played a significant role in promoting social welfare and raising public awareness. Their impact and effectiveness lie in their ability to convey complex concepts using simple and relatable language. In this article, we will explore some classic public service advertisements in English and their translations, highlighting their powerful messages and the creative ways they address social issues.

1. Break the Chain: Say No to Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a pervasive and distressing issue that affects countless individuals and families worldwide. This public service advertisement uses the metaphor of a chain to depict the cycle of violence and sends a clear message: break the chain. By urging individuals to say no to domestic violence, it encourages victims to seek help and abusers to seek rehabilitation. The translated version must retain the powerful imagery and convey the same urgency to break the cycle of violence.

2. Every Drop Counts: Conserve Water

Water scarcity is a global concern, and conserving water is vital for sustainable living. This public service advertisement emphasizes the importance of every drop by using a simple analogy: a leaking faucet. It urges individuals to fix even the smallest leaks, highlighting the cumulative impact of everyone's efforts. The translation should maintain the analogy and inspire a similar sense of responsibility in conserving water.

3. Don't Turn a Blind Eye: Stop Bullying

Bullying is a serious issue that affects individuals of all ages, and it requires a collective effort to address it. This public service advertisement urges people not to turn a blind eye to bullying by using the analogy of a blindfold. It reminds us that by remaining silent, we become complicit in perpetuating the problem. The translation should convey the same sense of urgency and encourage individuals to stand up against bullying.

4. See Beyond the Labels: Embrace Diversity

Stereotypes and prejudice can hinder social progress and understanding. This public service advertisement encourages people to see beyond labels and embrace diversity. It depicts individuals wearing different labels, such as "disabled," "immigrant," or "non-binary," and then removes the labels to reveal their true identities. The translation should capture the essence of embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity without relying on specific labels.


Classic public service advertisements in English hold timeless messages that resonate with audiences around the world. By using relatable language, imaginative metaphors, and powerful visuals, these advertisements effectively raise awareness and encourage positive social change. The translations of these advertisements should maintain their impact, convey the intended messages, and inspire action.

Word count: 305 words.


CCTV Public Service Advertisement - The Power of Family


The impact of family on an individual's well-being cannot be overstated. In a world where individualism is often emphasized, we tend to overlook the fundamental role that family plays in shaping our values, beliefs, and character. CCTV's public service advertisements with a focus on family dynamics illustrate the importance of familial relationships and present a heartwarming reminder of the power of unity and support.

1. The Strength in Unity:

Family is like a tree with strong roots that provide stability and nourishment. In CCTV's public service advertisements, families are portrayed as a source of strength, capable of weathering any storm that comes their way. Through the shared experiences, struggles, and joys, families forge a bond that can withstand the tests of time. By highlighting the unity within families, these advertisements remind us of the importance of standing together in times of adversity.

2. Unconditional Love:

In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in the pursuit of material wealth and personal achievements. However, CCTV's public service advertisements delve into the essence of family – unconditional love. Families are depicted as a safe haven, where individuals can be themselves without fear of judgment. The advertisements emphasize the importance of acceptance, forgiveness, and support within familial relationships. They remind us that no matter what mistakes we make or how far we falter, our families will always be there to love and support us.

3. The Power of Role Models:

Parents are the first and most influential role models in a person's life. CCTV's public service advertisements emphasize the impact that parents have on shaping their children's values and behavior. By showcasing parents who lead by example and instill positive qualities in their children, these advertisements inspire us to reflect on our own roles as parents or future parents, encouraging us to be mindful of the examples we set for the next generation.

4. Building Resilience:

Life is filled with challenges, setbacks, and disappointments. CCTV's public service advertisements highlight the importance of family in building resilience and overcoming obstacles. They show families supporting each other through difficult times, providing a sense of comfort and strength. By illustrating the power of collective problem-solving and the unwavering support of family, these advertisements encourage viewers to seek solace in their own familial relationships during times of adversity.


CCTV's public service advertisements focusing on family dynamics provide a powerful reminder of the transformative power of familial relationships. By using relatable language and engaging visuals, these advertisements inspire viewers to prioritize family and recognize its profound impact on individual well-being. Through the themes of unity, unconditional love, the power of role models, and building resilience, these advertisements encourage viewers to appreciate and nurture their own familial relationships, ultimately contributing to the overall harmony and happiness of society.




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