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1. 中文公益广告配音:情感饱满,强调感人因素


2. 英文公益广告配音:条理清晰,注重逻辑


3. 中英文公益广告配音的异同对比




CCTV Public Service Advertisement: FAMILY with English Voiceover

In our modern society, people are swamped with various advertisements that try to capture their attention and influence their choices. Among these advertisements, CCTV public service advertisements have gained widespread recognition due to their meaningful and thought-provoking content. One such advertisement is titled "FAMILY," which emphasizes the importance of family values and encourages people to cherish and strengthen their familial bonds. This industry article aims to delve into the impact and significance of CCTV's public service advertisement "FAMILY," while using simple language and relatable examples to explain complex concepts.

1. The Power of Words

The "FAMILY" advertisement effectively employs the power of words to convey its message. Instead of relying on elaborate visual effects and fancy scenes, the advertisement focuses on a monologue, delivered with a calm and emotional tone, to capture the viewers' attention. This monologue uses plain and everyday language to discuss the essence of family and the impact it has on individuals and society as a whole.

2. The Strength in Unity

The advertisement then explores the concept of unity within the family structure. It compares a family to a strong and sturdy tree, where each member represents a branch. The advertisement emphasizes that only by sticking together and supporting each other can the family weather life's storms and grow stronger. This analogy effectively conveys the idea that a united family is the foundation for a stable and harmonious society.

3. Love and Emotional Support

Next, the advertisement highlights the significance of love and emotional support within a family. It uses relatable examples, such as a child's tears or a parent's comforting embrace, to depict the nurturing environment that a family provides. By expressing these emotions through the monologue, the advertisement taps into the viewers' personal experiences, reminding them of the immeasurable value of familial love and care.

4. Education and Values

The advertisement then touches upon the important role of education and values within the family. It portrays parents as role models and guardians who instill essential values and principles in their children. By emphasizing the long-lasting impact of education and values, the advertisement urges viewers to reflect on their own familial relationships and the values they transmit to future generations.

5. The Ripple Effect

Finally, the advertisement concludes by highlighting the ripple effect that strong and loving families can have on society. It explains how a strong family foundation can lead to well-rounded individuals who positively contribute to their communities and, ultimately, to a more harmonious and prosperous society. By illustrating this ripple effect, the advertisement encourages viewers to prioritize their families and invest in building stronger relationships.

In conclusion, CCTV's public service advertisement "FAMILY" effectively conveys the importance of family values and unity through the power of words, relatable examples, and the depiction of love and emotional support. By using simple language and relatable metaphors, the advertisement successfully communicates complex concepts. Its impact lies in its ability to touch viewers' hearts and inspire them to cherish and strengthen their familial bonds. Through this advertisement, CCTV promotes the importance of family in shaping individuals and society as a whole.




In today's world, public service advertising plays a vital role in raising awareness and promoting positive social change. These short videos are not only entertaining but also convey important messages to the audience. In this article, we will explore the significance of English public service advertising videos and how they effectively convey complex concepts using everyday language and metaphors.

1. Simplifying Complex Concepts:

Public service advertisements aim to educate and inform the audience about various social issues. Instead of using technical jargon, these videos use simple and relatable language to explain complex concepts. For example, an advertisement about the importance of recycling might compare the Earth to a precious garden and encourage viewers to be responsible gardeners by recycling their waste.

2. Visual Appeal:

Public service advertisements use visually appealing elements to capture the audience's attention. By incorporating vibrant colors, engaging animations, and relatable characters, these videos effectively convey important messages. For instance, an advertisement about the dangers of smoking might use animated characters to depict the harmful effects on internal organs, making it easier for viewers to understand the consequences.

3. Emotional Connection:

One of the strengths of public service advertising videos is their ability to create an emotional connection with the audience. By sharing personal stories or showcasing real-life situations, these videos evoke empathy and encourage viewers to take action. For example, a video promoting blood donation may feature a survivor sharing their heartfelt story, inspiring others to donate and save lives.

4. Statistics and Facts:

To support their messages, public service advertisements often use accurate statistics and facts. This approach helps establish credibility and encourages viewers to take the advertised cause seriously. For instance, a video raising awareness about poverty might present statistical data on the number of people suffering from hunger or living below the poverty line, emphasizing the urgency and need for action.


Public service advertising videos in English have emerged as an effective medium to engage and educate the audience on various social issues. By simplifying complex concepts, using visual appeal, creating emotional connections, and incorporating statistics and facts, these videos successfully convey important messages. Through their creative and impactful approach, public service advertisements inspire individuals to make a positive difference in society. Let us embrace the power of these short videos and work together towards a better and more compassionate world.




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