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小鲸鱼 提问者:小鲸鱼 42 26 分享
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    In recent years, the short video app TikTok, known as Douyin in China, has gained immense popularity worldwide. One of the key features that makes TikTok videos entertaining is the ability to add voiceovers or dubbing to the videos. Many users wonder how to say certain phrases or words in English for their TikTok voiceovers. In this article, we will explore this topic and provide useful information regarding English dubbing for TikTok videos.

    Q1: How can I say "Hello" in English for my TikTok voiceover?

    A: To greet your audience in English, you can say "Hello" or "Hi." These are commonly used terms to initiate conversations or capture attention in English-speaking countries.

    Q2: What about expressing surprise or excitement in English dubbing?

    A: To convey surprise or excitement in your TikTok voiceover, you can use phrases like "Oh my God!" or "Wow!" These expressions are effective in capturing and intensifying the emotions you want to convey.

    Q3: How can I thank my viewers in English for watching my TikTok video?

    A: To express gratitude, you can say "Thank you" or "Thanks" in your TikTok voiceover. These expressions are widely used to show appreciation in English-speaking cultures.

    Q4: How can I ask my viewers to follow me or like my TikTok video in English?

    A: To encourage viewers to follow you or like your video, you can use phrases like "Please follow me" or "If you enjoyed this video, give it a like." These requests are polite and straightforward, encouraging engagement with your content.

    Q5: Can you suggest some popular English phrases used in TikTok voiceovers?

    A: Certainly! Some popular phrases used in TikTok voiceovers include "That's hot," "That's so cool," or "This is going viral." These phrases add flavor and excitement to your videos, making them more engaging for your audience.


    In this article, we have explored the topic of English dubbing for TikTok videos. We have learned how to greet, express emotions, show gratitude, and encourage audience engagement in English through voiceovers. By incorporating these phrases into your TikTok videos, you can enhance the overall appeal and enjoy a broader international audience. So go ahead and have fun creating captivating voiceovers for your TikTok videos!



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